Italy will take workers from Bangladesh

Italy will take workers from Bangladesh. Italy has agreed to take skilled workers from Bangladesh under a bilateral migration and mobility arrangement, particularly for Italian construction, shipbuilding, and hospitality sectors.

This was revealed at the Political Consultations held on 7 June in Rome, reads a press release.

Masud Bin Momen, foreign secretary, and Riccardo Guariglia, secretary general of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, led the respective sides at the consultation.

The Italian side expressed satisfaction that at present over 46% of workers under Flussi Decree are coming to Italy from Bangladesh for seasonal and non-seasonal work.

Italy will take workers from Bangladesh

Italy will take workers from Bangladesh

Before the consultations, Momen and Guariglia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Political Consultations between the foreign ministries of Bangladesh and Italy.

During the meeting, both countries expressed a keen desire to deepen the relations and further engage in multiple areas including trade and investment, technological intervention in Bangladesh’s textile sector, cooperation in defense and security, ICT, agriculture, migration and mobility, etc. Both sides also agreed to contain illegal migration to Italy.

Both sides also agreed to contain illegal migration to Italy.

দ্বিপাক্ষিক সমঝোতার আওতায় বাংলাদেশ থেকে অবকাঠামো, শিপবিল্ডিং ও সেবাখাতে দক্ষ কর্মী নেবে ইটালি। ইটালিতে অনুষ্ঠিত এই দ্বিপাক্ষিক আলোচনায় আরও কিছু বিষয়ের সাথে কর্মী নিয়োগের বিষয়টি উঠে আসে।

গতকাল ৭ জুন বুধবার রোমে অনুষ্ঠিত পররাষ্ট্র সচিব পর্য়ায়ের প্রথম বৈঠকে এই সিদ্ধান্ত গৃহীত হয়। উভয় দেশের দ্বিপাক্ষিক অভিবাসন ব্যবস্থার মাধ্যমে এই কার্যক্রম পরিচালিত হবে।

বাংলাদেশের পররাষ্ট্র সচিব মাসুদ বিন মোমেন এবং ইটালির পররাষ্ট্র ও আন্তর্জাতিক সহযোগিতা মন্ত্রণালয়ের মহাসচিব রিকার্ডো গুয়ারিগলিয়া এই আলোচনায় নিজ নিজ দেশের নেতৃত্ব দেন। এই আলোচনায় উভয় পক্ষই ইটালিতে অবৈধ অভিবাসন মোকাবেলায় পদক্ষেপ নিতে সম্মত হয়েছে।

ইটালির প্রতিনিধিদল বর্তমানে ‘ফ্লুসি ডিক্রির’ আওতায় মৌসুমি ও অ-মৌসুমি কাজের জন্য কর্মীদের ৪৬ শতাংশের বেশি বাংলাদেশ থেকে ইটালিতে যাওয়ায় সন্তোষ প্রকাশ করেছে।

রাজনৈতিক আলোচনায় বসার আগে দুই দেশের প্রতিধিনিধি বাংলাদেশ ও ইটালির পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ের মধ্যে রাজনৈতিক পরামর্শ সংক্রান্ত একটি সমঝোতা স্মারকে সই করেন।

Everything You Need to Know About Working in Italy

This time, 44,000 workers are getting a chance to enter Italy on seasonal visas. Citizens of 33 countries including Bangladesh can apply for seasonal visa.

On the other hand, another 38,705 workers can go to Italy on non-seasonal visas, that is, in other categories. Out of this, more than 30,000 quotas have been reserved in the construction, shipbuilding, mechanics and telecommunication sectors outside non-seasonal visas.

The Italian government kept Bangladesh in the black list for the last 8 years. However, Bangladeshi workers are getting the opportunity to go to Italy again for the last two years.

Basically, the validity of agricultural work visa is nine months. According to the rules, every worker will return to his country after working for nine months. But Bangladeshi workers do not follow this rule.

It is known that Bangladeshi workers came to Italy on agricultural work visas and stayed in the country without paying attention to the rules. According to the law, any worker who stays in Italy for more than nine months becomes illegal. But the Bangladeshi workers stayed in the country without going back to the country on a nine-month visa. In addition, the Italian government has canceled the quota of Bangladesh in the last few years due to various reasons including violation of law.

In this regard, Italy Greater Comilla Association, Venice General Secretary ST Shahadat said that the only valid process to come to Italy is sponsorship. We want this legitimate path not to be misused by any unscrupulous circles. Bangladesh was blacklisted by the Italian government for the last 8 years. We have been freed from this blacklist for the last two years. So we can maintain the legal process. On 08 June of this month, the Italian government declared this day as Click Day. This means that we will be able to legally apply to bring workers to Italy today.

He said, if we consider a little statistical aspect, we will see that the Italian government will employ 82 thousand 705 people in different categories from all over the world. Of these, 44,000 are seasonal, that is, what we call agriculture visas; And the remaining 38 thousand 705 people will be brought as non-seasonal sponsors.