MIST Admission Result 2018–2019 | MIST Admission Applications

MIST Admission Applications are invited from Bangladeshi citizens who have passed HSC/​GCE or Equivalent Examination (Science Group) from home and abroad for admission in MIST Undergraduate programs (Engineering and Architecture).


  • MIST Eligible list for Admission Test has been Published. To Search Valid Candidates list follow the Eligibility list Section from below.
Online application submission begins09 September 2018
Application deadline27 September 2018
Admission test (Unit A)1000–1300 hours, Saturday 20 October 2018
Admission test

{Unit Band Unit (A+B)}

1000–1300 hours and

1530–1730 hours, Saturday 20 October 2018

Admission form feeTk 800 (Unit A), Tk 1100 { Unit B and Unit (A+B)}

Undergraduate Programs. There will be Two Units namely Unit A (Engineering Programs) and Unit B (Architecture) in MIST Admission Test. The total seats allotted shall be 570.

MIST Admission Qualifications to Apply.

  • SSC (or Equivalent). The applicant must have passed the examination in Science Group obtaining a minimum GPA 4.00 (without fourth subject) in the scale of 5.0. Only the applicants who passed SSC or Equivalent Examination in 2015 and 2016 can apply.
  • HSC Examination (or Equivalent). The applicants passed in 2017 and 2018 must obtain minimum total grade point 17 in four subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English) having minimum ‘A* grade in any two subjects out of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Only the applicants who passed HSC/​Equivalent Examination in 2017 and 2018 can apply.
  • GCE (‘O’ and *A* Levels or Equivalent).
  1. The applicant must have qualified with minimum *B* grade in five subjects including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English in GCE ‘O’ Level.
  2. The applicant must have minimum grade in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in GCE ‘A’ Level or equivalent background of current year (2017) and last year (2016).

MIST Admission Mark Distribution & Examination System:

There will be no multiple choice type questions (MCQ). The marks distribution for both units are as follows:

1.1 (Unit A) EngineeringMathematics80Total Marks: 200 Exam Duration 3.0 hrs
5.II (Unit B) ArchitectureDrawing and Architecture related topics100Total Marks: 200 + 100 Exam Duration: (3.0 + 1.0) hrs

For Unit A only, candidates will sit for the written test of Question Module I for 3 hours. For Unit B (Architecture) only /​both A and B (Engineering and Architecture) candidates will sit for question module I and II for (3 hours+l hours) with a break in between.

Selection Criteria for Admission.

  • Merit list of the candidates for final selection will be prepared on the basis of Written Test only(100%).
  • Minimum qualifying marks in the written test is 40% for both Unit A and Unit B. Biology at HSC or equivalent level is a must for applicants of Biomedical Engineering with a grade point of minimum (A-​).
  • Biology at GCE or equivalent level is must for applicants of Biomedical Engineering with a minimum grade point ‘C*.
  • 5% marks will be deducted from the written test for the last year (2017) candidates. Thereafter, a Combined Merit List (current year and last year’s candidates) will be prepared for the admission and department allocation.

MIST Admission Application Form Submission.

Application to be submitted online through MIST website (www.mist.ac.bd) only. Then applicant will receive a User ID online. With that USER ID, applicant need to send SMS to 16222 from Tele-Talk pre-paid mobile phone with required balance. Application fee is tk 800 (eight hundreds) for UNIT A and tk 1100 (eleven hundreds) for UNIT B and UNIT (A+B). Detail instructions for e-Application and Fee submission is given in MIST website. On successful completion of both, applicant will receive a password through SMS using which an eligible applicant can download Admit Card.

MIST Admission Required Documents for Quota Applicants.

  • For freedom Fighter Quota. Related Bangladesh Gazettes/​temporary certificate issued by Ministry of Liberation War Affairs/​Lat Muktibarta/​Indian List/​Certificate from Bangladesh Mukti Joddha Sangsad and relationship certificate with freedom fighter.
  • For Military Ward (Children of Military Personnel).
  1. Serving: Certificate from CO/​equivalent/​his representatives.
  2. Retaired
  • Officers: Certificate from CORO/​Naval Secretariat/​Air Secretariat.
  • JCO/​OR/​NC (E) of Army/​Navy/​Air Forces: Certificate/​Service Record Book from respective Arms/Service’s Record Offices/​Drafting office.
  • For Tribal Citizen Quota. Certificate issued by local Upazilla Chairman and counter signed by District Commissioner.
  • For all quota applicants, original documents (hard copy) must be submitted within 4 days after the online application deadline for quota authentication/​verification.

MIST Admission Eligible List & Eligibility for Written Test.

  • Candidates will be short-​listed on the basis of total GPA obtained in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in HSC or Equivalent Examination. In case of tie, order of priority for finding the eligible candidates will be: GPA in Mathematics, Physics and then Chemistry.
  • Approximately 10,000 (Ten thousand) short listed candidates against total seat capacity of 570 will be allowed to appear written test. These 10,000 candidates include, candidates passed in H.S.C/Equivalent Examination in current year (2018) and maximum 20% (not exceeding 2000) candidates passed HSC or equivalent in previous year (2017).
  • All eligible candidates with GCE A* Level or equivalent of current year and previous year (last year only) will be allowed to appear at the written admission test.
  • Two separate lists (one for current year and one for last year’s candidates) will be generated for selection purpose to appear written admission test only.
  • Short list of eligible candidates will be published on 10 October 2018 in the MIST website www.mist.ac.bd.

MIST Admission Eligible List:

MIST Eligible List has been Published. Search your Eligibility and Admit Card download information from here.Or Download Eligible List from here.

MIST Admission Admit Card Download:

Eligible Applicant can be Download Admit Card from http://mist.teletalk.com.bd or www.mist.ac.bd. Admit Card Will be Available from 11 October 2018. Eligible Candidates will be notified through SMS about Admit Card Download.

MIST Admission Admission Test Result:

To Search Admission Test Result for Undergraduate Program visit http://mist.ac.bd/apply-online/

UnitMerit ListWaiting List


  • General
  • Military Ward
  • Freedom Fighter
  • Tribal
  • General
  • Military Ward
  • Freedom Fighter


  • General
  • Military Ward
  • Freedom Fighter
  • General
  • Military Ward
  • Freedom Fighter

Admission will be canceled if any incomplete/​false information is found at any stage of the admission/​academic process.

Further clarification may be sought from MIST website (www.mist.ac.bd) and Admission Help Desk (01769024090/​01769024094).

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