SSC Accounting Assignment Answer 2021 1st & 2nd week

SSC Accounting Assignment Answer 2021 2nd Week Subject: Assignment in relation to the restructured syllabus of Class Concepts and importance of general journal, classification and transaction submission 2021 conducted under Education Board Bangladesh. In the context of appropriate issues, it is being informed that the educational activities of the students have been disrupted due to the closure of educational institutions at all levels of the country due to the ongoing Kovid-19 epidemic.

SSC Accounting Assignment Questions and Solutions for 2021 and 2022 Exam Candidates. In addition, as soon as any update is received it will be given to , the answer to all subsequent accounting assignments will also be given here. Read the full post to get all week SSC Accounting Assignment Answers for 2022 SSC Examiner and 2021 SSC Examiners.

SSC Accounting Assignment Answer 2021 1st & 2nd week

অধ্যায় ও শিরােনাম: ষষ্ঠ অধ্যায়ঃ জাবেদা।
অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ সাধারন জাবেদা।
সহায়ক তথ্যঃ শামস ব্রাদার্স এর ২০২০ সালের জানুয়ারি মাসের কিছু লেনদেন তুলে ধরা হলাে:
জানু-১ নগদ ৩০,০০০ টাকা, ৪০,০০০ টাকা ব্যাংক জমা ও ১৫,০০০ টাকার পণ্য নিয়ে ব্যবসায় আরম্ভ করল।
জানু-৫ পণ্য বিক্রয় ২০,০০০ টাকা, যার ৪০% নগদে।
জানু-৭ ব্যাংক হতে উত্তোলন করা হলাে ১২,০০০ টাকা।
জানু-১০ প্রচারণা বাবদ ব্যয় ৮,০০০ টাকা।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সম্পন্ন করতে গেলে যে সকল প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিতে হবে সেগুলো হলো-
ক. জাবেদার ধারণাসহ গুরুত্ব বর্ণনা করতে হবে।
খ. বিশেষ জাবেদার শ্রেণি বিভাগ করতে হবে।
ঘ. সহায়ক তথ্য অনুসরন করে লেনদেনসমূহকে জাবেদাভুক্ত করতে হবে।

জাবেদার ধারণা ও গুরুত্ব, বিশেষ ও প্রকৃত জাবেদার শ্রেণি বিভাগ এবং লেনদেন জাবেদাভুক্ত করণ

SSC Accounting Assignment Answer

SSC Accounting Assignment Answer

How to write the answer of SSC 2nd week accounting assignment?

The first chapter has been selected as the work of the 2nd week accounting subject assignment. The title of the first chapter is Transactions. In other words, it will be possible to know the answers to all the questions about the transaction from this chapter. So SSC needs to gain some knowledge about transactions for writing 2nd week accounting assignment solution or answer.

It is not possible to do the 2nd week of the accounting assignment properly without knowing well about the issues of the transaction. So in order to complete the assignment smoothly, one must first know about the transaction. Here is an introduction to business transactions as an assignment. The guide provides some information to help with the assignment. Also, the assignment work is given in full in the figure. If required, you can download all the information of the SSC 2nd week accounting assignment from there.

Assignment: Introduction to business transactions – concept of transaction, nature, effect of transaction in accounting equation, required documents;

Helpful Information: From the owner of Sadaf Enterprise, in June 2020, the following incidents were reported from Mr. Sadaf:

June 1: Owner invests Rs 20,000 in cash and Rs 35,000 in furniture business.
June 9: Rent of Rs. 8,000.
June 13: The owner sells his personal property and buys a laptop for his own use for Rs 30,000.
June 20: Loan purchase from Radif & Sons for Rs 8,000.
June 23: Payment of Rs 6,000 to the creditor. June 26: A contract for the sale of goods worth Rs 4,000 is executed.
June 30: A manager is hired with a salary of Rs 16,000.
Instructions (signal / step / circumference):

1. Helpful information should be read carefully. 2. Describe the nature or characteristics of the transaction. 3. The transaction must be identified from the event. 4. The effect of the transaction must be described in the accounting equation. 5. The invoice should be prepared as the source document of the transaction using supporting information.

Introduction, concept, nature of business transactions, impact on accounting equations, required documents

SSC Accounting Science 2nd Week Assignment Sample Answe

SSC Accounting Assignment Answer

SSC Accounting Assignment Answer

SSC Accounting Assignment Answer

SSC Accounting Science Assignment Answer 2021

16/07/2021 AD, in the first phase of all these assignments, 18 assignment cover pages for 03 weeks were published on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education. Students will complete their assignment and submit it to the educational institution (directly / online) at a convenient time by August 5, 2011 following the health rules announced by the government.

At this stage, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the government will make arrangements for the delivery and submission of assignments to the students by the educational institutions following the rules and regulations related to health. The second stage assignment will be published later as per the rules.

I will explain the concept of Accounting .
The Accounting can describe the rabbis
A good Accounting can explain.
The concept of Accounting needs to be explained.
Accounting functions are lost to analyze Accounting time.
What are the qualities of a Accounting ? It needs to be explained.
The importance of Accounting science must be highlighted.

অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট

SSC Assignment Answer 2021 

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